Thursday, March 26, 2015

Framing the Upper Walls and Roof

"Topping Out," when the highest framing member of a building is set.

Finalizing the framing in time lapse, enjoy!

This stage of the project was very fun. The shape of the finished house could be visualized, and you could actually start to picture what it would be like to be inside.

Rafters and the utility area framing (over the tongue) to go. 

Really got in the swing of things working on the framing, now it was time to start changing gears toward sheathing, and getting the project enclosed and safe from the elements.

Setting the ridge beam, such a satisfying step in the process!

Coming along with the framing. 

This wild turkey comes by to check out the progress every morning. Can you find him?!

Covered just in time for the next snow.

The tarp kept out most of the moisture, used towels to soak up the rest.

Not much snow, but it was heavy and wet.  

She(?) has some nice coloration up close. Likes the sound of hammering, you'd think that would scare it away...
Next the sheathing will go up, and window holes cut. See ya then.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Leveling, Plumbing, and Squaring the Lower Walls.

The lower wall sections have now all been framed and raised. Before the upper sections and the roof are added I went through and straightened everything up. Of course each section was built square and on a flat surface, but any movement will cause them to get slightly out of square until bracing is applied.

I started by re-checking the trailer for level, and then squaring two intersecting walls. I checked each direction with my level, applied pressure with 12' 2x4s to hold each section in position, then screwed a diagonal brace. After getting a corner done, I ran a plumb line along the long walls to make sure all three sections were in alignment. They were then pulled into position with more diagonal bracing.
Running a plumb line along the long wall sections.
I found that it was important to re-check everything because straightening a whole wall section would end up pulling a previously leveled corner out of tolerance. Taking lunch and coming back everything would shift slightly, even after being braced. 

I found just by going around several times to each section, eventually I could get everything to align within about 3/16".

Pretty straight for a 3 section wall.
The bracing will stay up until the sheathing goes on, that will hold everything pretty tightly in square. The diagonals inside that hold the long walls plumb will have to stay until the roof is sheathed, making sure that they don't spread out when I'm shifting my weight and the materials around up there.

Time lapse of squaring, leveling, plumbing the wall framing.

Thanks for taking a look at the post. Next you'll see the framing completed including the roof and loft dormers. And on to sheathing...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Framing the Lower Walls

Finally, some fun stuff with lots of visual progress. This part of the project will probably have the most change in the shortest time. The form of the house will take shape!
The first wall sections laying on the floor.
Walls were built on the flat floor. The long walls were built in 3 sections to make them easier to handle. The breaks were lined up with the 5/8" threaded rod tie downs, as they require a double stud anyways. I also lined most of the windows up with existing studs, to keep the framing as light as possible.
Wall 1, all parts completed. Flashing for the porch in the foreground.
Everything was screwed together with 3.5" outdoor rated deck screws. Later a few hundred hurricane ties will be added.

Time lapse of framing and erecting the first floor walls.

First level of walls up. Level/square/plumb of the walls video next post...
Very glad to have this weather. Last week it snowed 3 times, but now it's about freezing when the sun comes up and warms up to 55F or so throughout the day. Hoping to get the sheathing up before the next snow.

4 days of hard work paid off, looking good.

View from half way down the hill. Starting to look pretty tall!
Next I'll show how all the bracing was added, and more time lapse of the loft frame and top walls getting put together.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Floor Insulation, Preparing for Framing.

It looks so nice I don't want to cover it up with the subfloor!
After getting the trailer leveled, work could begin! The first steps were to add the insulation in the floor, perimeter 2x, and then the subfloor itself. I used two layers of foam sheeting underneath the floor, and sprayed the edges with expanding foam to ensure a tight fit. 

Getting the floor insulation in place.

 Sill seal went down over the metal floor framing of the trailer. This will provide a thermal break between the subfloor and the steel, bound to be cold in the winter! Also, a small gap followed by the foil face of the insulation will help slow radiant heat from escaping downward through the floor between the joists.
Sill Seal in place, ready for sheathing.

Tongue and groove 3/4" subfloor half way done...
Laying the floor sheathing.

 The last step was to cut the floor sheathing and attach it. Special ordered screws that self tap into the steel trailer were used every 6" OC for the perimeter and along each steel joist. 300 total! I found that very slow speed and a lot of pressure (about 150lbs) were needed to drive those screws into the steel. Could have pre-drilled with a tungsten bit I suppose...
Used the table saw to add a double tongue and groove
to this corner on a small piece.
So there it is, FINALLY ready to begin the framing. A satisfying, flat looking base to start with!

Last piece before a finished subfloor. The "missing" square will be the entry porch.